Sunday, November 06, 2011

July 9th 2010 Padstow and Barbara.

We started the day with a buffet breakfast at the Novatel, which was nice enough but as usual all was over cooked. The whole place was surprisingly empty which I assume explains the room rate that we got. It seems to be set up for tour groups with signs carrying instructions for them all over the place but of the tour groups themselves there was no sign?  
We set off for Padstow through the secondary roads. Using the GPS I ended up going ways that I would never do if I planned it the old way and used a map. It's an easy enough drive there but if I had known what it was going to be like we would have gone somewhere else. What is it with the mentality of tourist spots that they think they exist to rip people off!  
Due to Rick Stein’s reputation the place gets a lot of visits that it would never have had otherwise.  However rather that giving the tourists who flock there something in return for their hard earned cash it is instead “do fuck all time”. No I understand how things work and I am not expecting cheap but I am expecting service for my money. 
It starts as you approach, the town is busy, so they should have opened the park and ride but that seems to be like work. Also some clear signs would have been useful but that would have been work and money!  It's chaos on the sea front and the traffic marshals are out. Clearly part of the Padstow old boys club. They are not actually doing anything just leaning against the wall have a smoke and a chat. I only realize what they are because of their uniforms and the fact that from time to time they step away from the wall and wave their arms about. Nobody takes any notice of them and it's mayhem. 
Eventually I get into the most expensive and smallest parking space I have seen in a while. The place is surprisingly pleasant given the number of people and if they got the cars sorted out it would be very nice. 
Every other place seems to be owned by Rick Stein now lol. Had some nice fish and chips along side the harbour. Not much sign of activity in the port, the fish was good as it was fried in meat fat for a change. Still without Stein this place would be dead. They only exist for the tourists so why don't they put some money into that side of things. One day Stein will be gone and this place will die and they will all be there with their hands out for tax payer grants because when the times were good they pissed it all away rather than investing it
Bach to Honton after our lunch, the trip started badly with lots of blockages of the  roads but it cleared after Exeter. We decided to visit Barbara, however Dad would not come. Some sort of feud that makes no sense and Dad is reluctant to explain. I suspect he won’t because it would make him look like a fool
Barbara is a small old woman now. Her short term memory has failed she acts like she is stoned all the time. It's sad to see her like this, she used to be very sharp now she can't remember your name after 5 mins. 
Mary came across and we had a good chat. She seems fine but I did not realize Simon was so sick. Communications fucked up in this family again. Why are we so hopeless at this? 
Then across the yard to see Mike and Tom. They have their hands full with this one. Physically fine but something wrong inside his head. I find it impossible to explain but they are trying their best. Perhaps it really is a bad deal for people after 40 to bred. 

Then it's back to Honiton for dinner with Dad and Hilda. Dad just keeps on bringing out food!  
Tomorrow Bath and culture, Bath the city silly not this one!.