Sunday, October 16, 2011

6th July 201 0- Back to Honiton

Booked out without breakfast as there are no food facilities with this lodge. Then set out for Stone Henge. On the way we stopped at a Little Chef for our late refuel. It was the first new one that we had seen so far, much better then the tired old ones. I think that I much prefer traveling by A road rather than M road. There is much more to see and the pace is much better, fortunately the TomTom can be set to do this automatically.
It did not take long to get to Stone Henge. What a tourist ripoff Stone Henge is, parking is 3 UKP and its 6 UKP to get in to see a pile of very unimpressive old rocks from a distance. They really rip the tourist off with this one, fortunately our NT membership gave us free entrance but somehow I still feel ripped off. I considered not going in just on principle but Gemma was still keen.
They don’t know when it was built, why it was built or who built it, just that its very old. Well blow me down I could have know that all by myself. What a pile of crap, the profit margin must be 95% on this site. Why is it famous? its like the Mona Lisa, don’t get me started on the Mona Lisa yet!

OK we have soon had enough of that and its off to Salisbury Cathedral which we hope will be worthy of our time because that pile of stones certainly was not.
Hi its another rip off, 6 UKP for parking and 5 UKP to get in as a “donation” . Well I could not do anything about the parking charge but I chose to ignore the donation. The money changers are truly back in the temple. This place must have been incredible in the middle ages, coming from a simple village to this place must have been like going to the moon. It would have blown their minds away. The cloisters are very peaceful and cool. Its possible to stop the rat race and slow down with a cup of tea. Gemma and I do that and its the best part of the day. Right so in my dream home I want cloisters and a walled garden!
So then its a quiet ride back to Honiton, as we are getting towards evening already I allow the navigator to use the motorway. At 9pm we arrive at the Turks Lodge motel.
Reception was open but empty so I had problems getting anybody to take my details and give me my key. In the end somebody appeared gave me my key and told be the reception had been fired and that I should sort it out with who ever was on the front desk in the morning.
Went across to dads where they were out. After a while they turned up as they had been to Sidmouth. Gill and Peter were here now. We went to Tesco for dinner, well supplies really. I bought a bottle of wine to celebrate dads age but he won’t drink it as he thinks I spent to much on it. Perhaps its not enough like vinegar for him.
Back to the Motel at about 10pm. As I walk across the motel car park I realised I am getting a free show as the young couple in the room alongside have not closed the curtains and they are very very keen on one another!

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