Tuesday, January 10, 2012

11th July 2010 Avebury and Swindon

After a continental breakfast it's off to Avebury to see the standing stones. These stones predate Stonehenge. Unlike there these are tastefully done and in sympathy with the surrounding landscape. Perhaps because this is a Nat Trust site and not English Heritage.  Collocated with the stones and surprisingly interesting is a display of the work of the guy who invented negative photographs! (Fox Talbot) Another interesting place that we probably did not spend enough time at but it's time to set off to Fiona's. 
She does not live where I thought she did!  They are much closed to Swindon than Bath, on a modern estate on the edge of a traditional village. Fiona has turned into her mother, a fate for many daughters I guess. They have a nice modern house with a decent garden where we spend the time chatting and drinking cider. We caught up with lots of news and gossip. Unfortunatly francoise was unable to make it. When we had lunch realized that they did not know that Gemma was a veggie. Can't remember how we sorted that out.....

There is the possibility that they will visit NZ as their boy is out here for a while. 
It's 15:00 now so we move on, it's Gem's surprise. The Swindon steam museum is around here, we only have an hour until it closes but that should be enough to have a decent look as neither Gemma or I tend to hang around.  Several times on this trip we are the last people in a museum and  we end up being headed out because the staff are trying to close up. 
It's based on the old Swindon rail works. Not as much stuff as I would have expected but still very interesting and it kept us busy for our hour. 
Good motorway drive back to Honiton. It's time to give the car back, we have done about 1500 miles ( funny to be using miles again) and it has run very well. The girl on reception is not interested in checking the car ( its grubby but intact!), but she does emphasize that gypsies are in the area and I must lock the car up well as they are stealing everything. 

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