Sunday, January 22, 2012

12th July 2010 - London to Paris

We left Dad on the 08:58 Honiton to London express. Just kidding about the express bit, in fact the train seemed to take for ever to get there. Then rather than muck about with bags on the underground we took a Black cab to St. Pancras
The station was packed really packed, everybody and their dog was of on the trains today. We had plenty of time so we decided to have lunch at the station. What is it about British train station food that no matter what it is they fuck it up? It was just sandwiches from a fancy sandwich place but it was the worst that I have had for a long time. Why do they get it so wrong when other places can get it right?  
At 13:45 we were called to the train, as expected it was as full as the station had been. I am sure that the Eurostar had more space when I travelled on it before. It seemed quite packed and for an international service there was only just enough space for luggage after a great deal of moving of bags around. There was also no trolley service!  Tea from the buffet was black as I forgot that the default was no milk and that you have to ask if you want it.   They could do a better job I am sure. Still the service was smooth and fast and in not time we were at the Gare du Nord
We were only 4 mins late arriving. Gemma navigated to the hotel with only a bit of confusion as we initially could not tell which exit of the station we had come out of. We almost collided with a motorcycle crossing the road as Gemma looked the wrong way on the crossing which resulted in some words between Gemma and I. The Hotel le Rocroy is an interesting hotel, strange 70’s decor in the main areas but refitted in the rooms to a good standard. The receptionist is about 21 and typically French, Gemma reasoned that if she had been more laid back she would have been lying on the floor
Free wifi in the lobby but 3G is not working for some reason. After settling in its out for some exploring. We walked for a while working out where the various things we needed were located. For example where the nearest underground station was and found a nice bar. We ended up having dinner in an Italian restaurant La Luna, it seemed strange to be eating Italian in Paris. On the way back I saw a bunch of really rough women hanging around out side of a bar. Increased my pace (away) from there. 
Then we turned in. However at 23:30 we were woken up by the fire alarms going off. We had to evacuate to the street we Gemma claimed I did not do fast enough. It was a false alarm caused by a guest smoking in his room. 

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