Tuesday, August 10, 2010

21 June 2010 -07:30 -In the air

Stuck in a small seat next to a small man.

There must be a better way to travel than this. International travel must be the most uncomfortable things most people do in their lives (with the exception I suppose to giving birth but at least half of us can't do that). The small man is asian and has no english so we never talk. But he does not take up much room so thats OK, at least from my point of view. Food on Cathy is the same as always, barely edible. However it did not poison me so I guess that its really a win. The seats have a one screen per person with all the normal controls and options. Lots of movies but they failed to engage me, I spent most of the trip asleep and the rest reading on my Kobo. I am not sure about this ebook but this trip will sure give it a good test run. On this trip I found that the limiting comfort factor was not the distance from the chair to the seat in front but the width of the seat. I know I am a bit wide but I am not that wide! The seat cushion also seems to be made out of stone, additionally the wings on the seat never seam to adjust properly so its good that I bought that inflatable cushion.

The plane was full, which makes me wonder why the airlines complain of loosing money after all we were all but sitting on the roof. I did have a pleasant surprise, asian babies travel very well, the plan seemed to have several of them on board yet you barely heard from them. An example for western babies to follow, the only time I heard one was when he managed to break open a packet of food that his mother was trying to keep him out of and it went everywhere.......

The flight was a code share with LAN Air so we seemed to have a fair number of south americans on the flight.


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