Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Day My Wheels Came Off.

Last night, my last in Hong Kong, I went out for a walk at 6 pm. Saw a lot more tailors than before but it is the massage touts that are like leeches. One saw me and chased me at least 100m up the street trying to get me to try her ladies. It was like being chased by a demented troll. The working girls in Hong Kong advertise on full length screens in the subways here. Full pictures prices etc, perhaps I should suggest that when I get back to NZ.
I have only seen one SIM shop here, I expected to see dozens. What has happened to all the electronic shops? Very boring shopping now all upmarket and bland. Back to the hotel for dinner. Food was good but the service was so slow I considered walking out. $80 for dinner was a bit more than I intended but when it did arrive I enjoyed it. I was going to go to the bar to see what was happening but world football was on so I turned in for the evening.
Early start, I did not have breakfast after yesterdays disaster. On the way to the lobby I realised I was loosing wheels! I went back through the hotel collecting lost wheels along the way. A pin had snapped so the wheels were coming off the shaft. At the checkout I tried to find some way of fixing it but without any luck. I removed the whole assembly so I did not lose anything more parts. I will just have to drag or carry the bag.
Will travel, will have fun, shit will happen.

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